
In the code example on the right, you can see how easy and straightforward the use of GaspiLS can be.

The full example code is also included in theĀ Download.

// Solve Poisson's equation in 3D with finite differences.

#include <GASPI.h>
#include <GASPI_Ext.h>
#include <GaspiLS/GaspiLS.hpp>
#include <GaspiLS/Solvers.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>

// The problem settings
int    n1d;
int    n;
double h;
double h2inv;

// Matrix and vector classes used in this example
typedef GaspiLS::Vector<double, int, int>    vec;
typedef GaspiLS::CSRMatrix<double, int, int> mat;

// The right-hand side of Poisson's equation.
double func_f(double x, double y, double z)
  // Approximate a Dirac Delta.
  x -= 0.5;
  y -= 0.5;
  z -= 0.5;
  if(sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) < h) return 1.0/(h*h*h);
  return 0.0;

// Set up the right-hand side of the linear system.
void setRHS(vec &f)
  double x, y, z;
  double *fEntries = f.localEntryPointer();
  int    k         = f.distribution().minGlobalIndex();

  for(int i = 0; i < f.localSize(); i++, k++) {
    x = (k%n1d + 1)*h;
    y = (k%(n1d*n1d)/n1d + 1)*h;
    z = (k/(n1d*n1d) + 1)*h;
    fEntries[i] = -func_f(x, y, z);

// Discretize the Laplace operator using finite differences.
void setOperator(mat &A)
  for(int k  = A.rowDistribution().minGlobalIndex();
          k <= A.rowDistribution().maxGlobalIndex();       
          k++) {     

    A.insertEntry(k, k, 6.0*h2inv);     

    if(k%n1d > 0) {
      A.insertEntry(k, k - 1, -1.0*h2inv);
    if(k%n1d < n1d - 1) {       
      A.insertEntry(k, k + 1, -1.0*h2inv);     
    if(k%(n1d*n1d) >= n1d) {
      A.insertEntry(k, k - n1d, -1.0*h2inv);
    if(k%(n1d*n1d) < n1d*n1d - n1d) {       
      A.insertEntry(k, k + n1d, -1.0*h2inv);     
    if(k >= n1d*n1d) {
      A.insertEntry(k, k - n1d*n1d, -1.0*h2inv);
    if(k < n1d*n1d*n1d - n1d*n1d) {
      A.insertEntry(k, k + n1d*n1d, -1.0*h2inv);
  // fully threaded matrix finalization

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if(argc < 5 || argc > 6) {
    printf("Usage: poisson3d N_1D rtol maxit N_THREADS [OUTPUT_FILE]\n");
    return -1;

  // Read in problem size.
  n1d   = atoi(argv[1]);
  n     = n1d*n1d*n1d;
  h     = 1.0/(n1d + 1);
  h2inv = 1.0/(h*h);

  const size_t segmentSize = static_cast<size_t>(1) << 30;
  // Create a GASPI interface for the group GASPI_GROUP_ALL
  // with the segment 0 and queue 0.

  // Next, create a thread pool with the number of threads given by 
  // argv[4]. Thread pools are used by many GaspiLS objects to per-
  // form parallel computations. They are independent from any user-
  // generated threads, and the user might even use a different 
  // threading package, such as OpenMP. Please refer to the GaspiLS 
  // documentation for thread pinning options.
  GaspiLS::ThreadPool             pool(atoi(argv[4]));
  // Create a GASPI interface for the group GASPI_GROUP_ALL
  // using segment 0 and queue 0.
  GaspiLS::GASPIInterface         interface(GASPI_GROUP_ALL, 0, 0);
  // Now create a uniform distribution of n elements on the GASPI 
  // interface. Distributions have two template parameters which 
  // specify the local and global index type respectively. Using int 
  // here will improve performance in later computations, but re-
  // stricts the distributon to 2^31 - 1 elements.
  // If the distribution has more elements, long must be used for 
  // the global index type, while the local index type should still
  // be int as long as possible.
  GaspiLS::Distribution<int, int> distribution(interface, n);
  // Vectors also have three template parameters. The first para-
  // meter specifies the scalar type, such as double, or 
  // std::complex<float>. The second and third parameter again 
  // specify the local and global index type. Each vector requires 
  // a distribution to determine which vector entries are stored 
  // on which rank, as well as a thread pool for parallel vector 
  // computations.
  vec                             u(distribution, pool);
  vec                             f(distribution, pool);
  // The parameters for creating a matrix are very similar to those
  // of the vector class. The main difference is that matrices have
  // two distributions. The first one is called the row distribution
  // and it specifies which matrix rows are owned by which rank.
  // The second one is called the domain distribution and it 
  // corresponds to the distribution of the vector x during the
  // matrix-vector product y = Ax. It also determines the number
  // of columns for the matrix A.
  mat                             A(distribution, distribution, pool);
  GaspiLS::CGSolver<mat, vec>     cg;

  // Discretize the PDE.

  // Set up linear solver.
  cg.setProblem(A, u, f);

  // Solve linear system.

  // Write solution to disk.
  if(argc == 4) {

  if(interface.groupRank() == 0) {
    printf("FINISHED (%d iterations, rel. residual: %e, "
              "abs. residual: %e\n",

  return 0;